We7, the latest music for free, FREE!

Since my last post about Cooliris dealt with sight, let’s focus this time on the issue of sound. More specifically how to hear complete music tracks and the latest whole albums for FREE.

Because I want to introduce to you a website where you can legally access MILLIONS of tracks on demand, in full, and where they are adding up to 30,000 more songs to it’s library each day!

we7a6It’s called We7 and I love it.

But what’s the catch I hear you cry, didn’t the music industry nail Napster for doing the same sort of thing?

They did, but the reason this is legal and has the full backing of the record companies is that We7 are coughing up the royalties and are doing it the way most commercial companies provide free stuff…by advertising.

And that’s the catch but trust me, it’s a very minimal one.

These mini-verts are all placed between tracks, not during them, and last only a few seconds. If you’re playing a whole album from start to finish you might expect these very short messages every 3 songs.

To access all the tracks you only have to visit the we7 website but to really get the most from this free music bonanza requires completing the short registration process.

And once you have it’s like a mini iTunes interface mixed with a mini social networking site. You can browse by genre, search for specific tracks, get suggestions from others and create multiple playlists that We7 remembers and will even allow you to share with friends.

But what you can’t do without actually purchasing the tracks, although you can do that as well with We7, is add the songs to your MP3 Player…that would be asking for too much.

This is a streaming service so you need to be sitting in front of a web browser to play the music. Mind you, it doesn’t have to be at your computer it’s wherever you happen to be online.

Nevertheless as a FREE music source the amount and quality of the content is amazing, but it’s the acesss to new albums that’s the incredible bit.

I haven’t brought a new album for months because of this site, they’ve all been available for free on We7. Even with the advertising revenue I don’t know why the record companies are allowing it.

But that’s their issue, yours is only what to listen to next.

So to hear the new Kings of Leon album, you’ve been given a royal decree.

Aiming for the new Guns N’ Roses album, shoot straight to it.

Dying to listen to the new Killers album, dig in.

Or keen to hear the Same Difference album, not a problem…but I think you may have one.

To mine this free musical motherlode for yourself, just click on this here link www.we7.com

4 thoughts on “We7, the latest music for free, FREE!

  1. Hi Glenn
    Thanks for the great write up, we all get a kick out of hearing people enjoying our site. Have you thought about using our widget to embed your latest music craving into your blog so you can share your musical personality on-line as well as the great words.

    All the best, keep it going for 2009


    Steve Purdham
    CEO We7

  2. Wow, the first comment on my fledgeling little Blog and it’s from the CEO, THE CEO no less, of We7!
    Thank you very much and may I humbly remind you I am always available for web design and copywriting duties.
    And I do appreciate the thought about adding music to the Blog with one of your widgets, but I’m actually doing my level best to attract the people here, not drive the poor buggers away.
    The best scenario would be that they could be reading me and have their own We7 on in the background, bingo, we’re both happy.
    Still, thank you very much for the nice words and for even bothering to add your comment on a little Blog like mine, it’s greatly appreciated.

  3. Its our pleasure, it’s blogs like yours that now drive the worlds opinion so it’s important to be part of it. However the beauty about our widgets is that it keeps people on your blog longer as the music will play on your pages not on We7 (but we pay).

    Anyway great blog, good luck, and if we can assist anytime just shout.


  4. Ah Steve, I can tell how you got to the top, you’re a born promoter.
    I promise I will investigate the widget, the trouble is do I dare risk letting anybody know what my musical personality is.
    Now if there was a widget to get the £ you offer for anybody who introduces somebody else to We7, that would go on straight away.
    But really grateful thanks for the offer of help although you’ve done a great deal already where it matters most for a young blog, by boosting my hits.
    Mind you, if you know any fellow captains of industry who may not know about the likes of Ctrl-Z, I could always do with some more.
    Thanks again,

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